Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Beeezie and Me in the park :)

SO I had an amazing time visiting one of my oldest closest friends Stephanie in Florence. We stayed in a hostel (Plus Florence) where students also live during their semesters abroad, which also just so happens to be where most of Stephs friends live. Easy. Anyway I am so happy to say that Stephanie, once again, has some really cool friends down there. We had an AMAZING time there.

When I say we I mean my other two members of my tripod, Brittany and Matt:

My new friend Elyse, who I med drunkenly and drunkenly invited her on the trip, turned out to be a GEM. So interesting and SO COOL. I really know how to pick friends while intoxicated, I'm just serious.. this picture is of her and me: (hence why she is awesome)

Now Florence is VERY dirty, like.. seriously. It smells like a cat litter most of the time and has dog shit and what not everywhere. BUT there is an amazing nightlife there and I LOVE IT. Florence > Zug for sure. We went to clubs every night we were there and I stayed out until an un godly hour each morning. I found myself in love with this Canadian one night, the last night we were there, when we were at a club called Space. He's tall cute.. Had a tattoo on his left pec, which just so happens to be where I wrote my full name in pen. Still no friend request on facebook and I thought for sure it would happen. RATS. That night I also made out with my first Jewish boy and it wasnt awful :)

I didnt want to leave at the end and I got seriously sad when we got back. Florence round 1 was a trip I will never forget and I am so glad I got to share it with people I LOVE! I miss my homie Steph and of all people, I'm so glad it was her that we got to visit with. BRILLIANT time. Ahh.. I want to go back.

one love

Friday, October 29, 2010

Don't call my name, Alejandro

SO, here's whats going on. I am stressing out about Florence. I had no idea the tickets would be SO MUCH to go there and back. I mean its 193 chf.. which I guess isnt that bad because its round trip, and its cheaper than a flight.. BUT STILL.

The other night I went to my friend Matt's place with Brittany and we watched Scream. Let me just say that when it was over I realized it wasnt that scary and I think I can handle seeing the next ones and eventually see the 4th when it comes out. Halloween on the other hand I dont know if I will be able to handle watching, but we'll see! Scream was actually quite funny at the end, there are some good one-liners.

This weekend I have been invited to go to a housewarming/ halloween party where I am dressing up as a super hero.. SUPER SAFF! And yes, I am wearing my nikes. I just have to find gold leg warmers, a cape, and some crazy glitter and I'm SET. I am probably hitting up a halloween store on Saturday morning with Matt. I've deemed him my new best guy friend. I miss having one of those.. just about as much as I miss American dude personalities.

Not much else to report on.. I have a 4 day weekend this weekend, the fam is going to Denmark to visit Mads' parents and next week I am going to Florence on Wed- Sun to visit STEPHANIE GUTTENPLAN with Brittany and Matt. Should be wild! I'm sure after this weekend I'll have heaps to report about.. So those of you who read this... GET READY! Hopefully this weekend I'll remember to take pictures.. Sorry I've been slacking...

Peace n Blessin's
xx J

Monday, October 25, 2010

take it back

ok. i take it back. i just love my best friend in a best friend way. i couldnt see myself really having a future with him. god's got someone for me. Im not thinking about it anymore.

peace n blessins
xx j


SO, today I started reading all the articles about Fran Crippen and I started crying. It just goes to show how precious life really is. Who knew that would ever happen in a MILLION years? My heart goes out to the Crippens and everyone that was close to Fran, esp. our former GA Tyler Fenwick. Love you Fen.

On the other hand, this weekend wasnt nearly as wild as last weekend. I made it home at a reasonable time on Saturday.. 3am :)

I am getting to be pretty good friends with the people here other than my two main ladies, Brit and Karah. We went to Basel yesterday, to go to this fair. Let me just tell you, I am not and will not ever be in a good mood when it is rainy and cold and my feet are wet. So for future reference.. KEEP THAT IN MIND. I have pictures from the fair, and I also have a picture of a house from like... 1365?? HOLY OLD. Thats all i have to say.

I also had a revelation last night that I am 100% in love with one of my good guy friends from home, we've been friends for... well I dont know since I can remember I guess. Will I tell him ever? NO. I dont want things to be weird. And no Christian, its not you. I just.. i dunno.. I get excited when I see that he has written on my wall. GAH I am so lame.

Also.. this week in honor of Halloween, we are doing scary movie night. I know worst idea ever for me, I wont get any sleep for a while after we watch whatever we watch. Should be interesting.

Peace n Blessin's
xx J

Thursday, October 21, 2010

just to clarify...

ANDY my little neighby.. is adorable. I am going to make him WAY COOL (cooler than he is). He's presh. And I totally am going to treat him like a little brother. Which means he'll hear the brunt of all my complaints. At least the drinking age is 16 and he can help me waste away all my sorrows about Ryan.

But he probably ruined any kind of chance with frenchie. <3

For Aunt Janna

Due to my aunts constant reminder that I need to update, here it is!! Sorry Janna!

SO I've finally found a great group of people to hang out with.
Here are names and mini descriptions of the people I've talked to and actually conversed with of the group... (from what I can remember)..
BRITTANY! my new favorite person in Zug. She's 22, a ZTA, just graduated, and I LOVE HER. She reminds me of my girls from home and nothing is more comforting than that.
Karah, so damn funny. from Oklahoma, cutest southern accent ever.
then there is Matt, Cheezus, Lauren, Bili, and Benji. They are so nice and even accepted me after a crazy night out on friday.

But thats not the best part. LAST NIGHT.
So I went to meet Karah and Brittany at Pickwicks (local hangout for expats).. And there were SO MANY DUDES THERE. It was like heaven. Anyway I was making eyes at this guy all night, so was brit.. the same one. Anyway, thanks to Karah's drunkass, I finally got to talk to him and his name is Ryan and hes from Paris. And hes REAL cute, and has a cute accent.. oh my gosh I DIED. So then I was like, we should hang out and he said of course so I wrote my number down on a napkin and stuck it in one of his pockets in his jacket, yes he saw me do it, he held his jacket open for me to place it in a safe area. So then after talking for a bit, he walked me to my bus stop and kissed me. Poor thing was cold because he was shivering. It was so cute. So then as it was nearing time for me to get on my bus, my 17 year old neighbor Andy showed up shithoused and then Ryan left me. I was sad. But he kissed me goodbye and then andy started saying stuff like OOO get a room!! and I laughed and then kinda snotted on his face.
DAMNNN THAT GUY IS NEVER GONNA CALL ME. I dont have his number or anything. So its going to be by chance I'll ever see him again, because I said to him at the bar, lets hang out tomorrow night and he was like nooo just wait for me to call you, I promise it will be soon. So I feel like an idiot because lets be real.. he's more than likely not gonna call. I'm ok with it. Because in all reality, there are more boys.

Update soon if Ryan decides my american ass is cool enough for him :)

xx J

Monday, October 4, 2010

Here's my weekend

Nothing exciting happened this weekend. I went to a hockey game BY MYSELF. That was kinda intimidating. Not as boring as I thought, but definitely not as fun. I got a ride home from my friend that plays so that was a perk. I also got my NIKES :) in the mail from my awesome mom. So I really feel like I have swag here now.

Saturday night I went to one of my nanny friend's houses for dinner and a movie, we had home made pizza and watched Memoirs of a Geisha. LOVE that movie still. I've seen it about five times and I've read the book.

Yesterday I went to the airport to "shop." No good stores are there, but its the only stinkin place open on Sunday here. So I delt with it. Also, I watched a bunch of Jersey Shore. That ish is so funny, I love Pauly D.. for real though.

REWIND: Wednesday night I went to Maja and Philip's for Maja's birthday dinner and I met more friends of theirs... Just so happens that one of the friends is tres tres cute. I'm kinda crushing and it also just so happens that he is a lot closer to my age. Perfecto!

Once I figure out how to get a word document type program on my computer I am going to... start writing a book?? I was inspired by a friends who told me I should, so I am.

That's all for now.
Peace n Blessin's
xx Jamie

Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekly kinda thing...

This morning when Sasha and I were on a walk, we passed by some sheep who proceeded to follow us along the fence. It was so funny and I for real felt like they were stalking us. I died laughing and Sasha thought it was pretty funny, she kept saying "Hi sheep!" it was cute.

My life is becoming more normal, I am starting to occupy my weekends with fun things with my new friends. Kinda sad that my hockey player friend is becoming less of a friend.. I think its the pro athlete mentality and the fact that guys cant be friends with remotely good looking girls. So dumb.

Anyway I got an invite by my friends Philip and Maja's parents to come spend Christmas with them in Switzerland and I cried. I am so happy to have a family to spend Christmas with :)

peace and blessin's
xx Jamie

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Write up on the late Coach Ray Buzzard

its great to be a tennessee vol!

Monday, September 20, 2010

funny how your own thoughts and beliefs rock your own world

I had an epiphany today. I realized that I've been moving in the wrong direction. I have been doing all these crazy things and what not for sure, but what for? What am I trying to prove? How do these things make me a better person? They haven't really. I am going back to where I was 2 years ago and renewing once again my relationship with God. I've kind of abandoned my beliefs for good times, but thats NOT who I am. I know that if anyone, God loves me and in the end HE's the one that is going to judge me. I feel as if I've been a huge hypocrite and its time to make things right. So that's what I'm going to do. I have a whole lot of things to think about and I've got to do it right. I needed this revelation today to set me up for what I know is true in my heart.
Thats all for now.
Peace and blessins

Saturday, September 18, 2010

First Babysitter's Club meeting.

SO Last night I hung out with some other au pairs in the greater Zurich area. Their names are Jessica and... Jessica?? haha So there was a Jessica and a YESsica. Sweeds are lazy with their tongues apparently, so I was Yamie. Anyway we met up at around 7:30pm and proceeded to go to coop to get some drinks and head to the park to sit and drink, kinda like homeless people. Except you can drink where ever the bump you want to here. So here's what I can remember from last night:

(please excuse the scattered details, everything is REALLY fuzzy right now if that says anything about what I did last night)...

1. Drink in the park, get pretty drunk, wait for another girl Marie to show up.

2. Head to Lady Hamilton's. When we got here it was a sausage fest. PERFECT for me right? So we walk in, I'm in Heaven of course and right of the bat I see this guy that is pretty cute at the bar. SO we walk around.. well.. Yessica and I dance our way over to the bar and there just so happens to be a bar stool RIGHT next to Mr. Hottie Pants. So we get to talking and I let something important slip out and it was the WORST IDEA EVER. As soon as I said that, he whips out a card that proves hes a POLICE OFFICER. WTF. My stomach dropped and not only was he a police officer his 2 friends with him were ALSO POLICE OFFICERS. Oh my GAH I thought I was done for, but nope :) of course I worked my charm, not that they were going to do anything anyway. For the life of me I can't remember the guys name and I wish I could because it was really different which is probably why I can't remember. So we stay there for a while, do some dancing and I dont know at what point we decided to leave, but we did.

3. Nelson's pub. I wish I had a picture of the sign outside the pub, it says something like "the only english pub." Which is false. Anyway, we stand outside at first, its literally right next to Lady Hamilton's. Also, side note, DO NOT TRY AND TALK IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE WHEN YOURE CLEARLY NOT VERY GOOD AT IT SOBER. I recall pretty clearly thinking this guy in a green shirt was cute. Anyway we head in and of course the first guys that start to talk to us are quite weird and not english. So we move right along to the next open area of space to stand which just so happens to be right next to the guy in the green shirt. We start talking (me and green shirt guy, who has a name now, David) and he is actually another 30 year old. I think I have a magnet to men over 26 now. I had the opposite problem at home, a bunch of teenagers loved me there. Anywho, we dance and surprisingly hes a GREAT dancer. I was really impressed and before I left I gave him my number and apparently gave him a big ole smooch as well. Jessica has a picture. I think at this point I was kinda drunk because I had no idea the kiss happened and Jessica actually had to tell me today that it happened and that she has evidence?! Oh geez, can't wait to see what that looks like. I am actually anticipating the picture because I agreed today to go to dinner with him on Monday night, BUT I kinda don't remember what he looks like...

4. So we leave there and walk across the river. I dont remember this, but I do recall going to a place called Big Ben and it was a lot of older people and a few people our age. Hated it. So we went back to the outside of Lady Hamiltons. I dont remember getting there either. But it happened.

5. While we are outside Jessica tells me her boyfriend is coming to get her soon :( and I was definitely not ready to leave yet, so I run inside looking for a cute police officer who I see at the top of the stairs. He asked me why I was gone for so long (I was??) and I dont know what I said, but I do know that it lead to another pash. At this point things are hazy, but I think his f-buddy walked in and he was really nervous about her seeing him talking to me?? so he left me. Which is ok, no big deal. I wasnt torn up about it. Also, outside we meet this guy Elia who tells us he's married. Come to find out he's not. I asked him why he lied to us later and he said he wanted to seem edgy? about having a wife at home and not caring. Who the heck thinks that is cool?? WHO DOES THAT?? So weird.

6. I finally decide that its time for me to go home at around 1:45am. The night train comes once an hour (ughhhh) at like 2:35am, 3:35am and so forth. I really had to pee at this point as well and I only had 1.90 CHF for a 2 CHF bathroom fee. I was STRUGGGGGLIN. So I go to sit at the platform I have to be at thinking that I can hold it for another hour and fifteen minutes. I sit down next to this guy who is also going to Zug. He can tell I have to pee and lends me 2 CHF. Come to find out his name is Albert. ALBERT. I just about lost it when he told me his name. I'm sorry but Albert to me is a funny name. We keep talking and I find out he is 26, Latvian, and smart. He drives a motorcycle and ASKED ME IF I WANTED A RIDE HOME. Oh my goodness I of course said yes, its been my dream to ride on the back of someones motorcycle in Europe since I got to the country. So we get to Zug, he gets his keys and he drives me home. It was amazing. I loved every minute of it. So he drops me off, kisses me, and leaves.

All in all it was a successful night, even if its a bit hazy. I had a great time and I LOVE the girls I met. They are just my kinda girls like back home.

Monday night I have my date with David and on Tuesday night I'm going to the Zug-Geneva hockey game. I am so glad I am finally starting to do fun things with my life.

That's all for now.
Peace and blessin's
xx Safffff

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Just became facebook friends with hockey player. He has a girlfriend perhaps? Still we can be friends. I can look at him like a brother, as I do most 30 year olds.

Sorry I've been negligent.

SO this past weekend was the big weekend with Eddy. I just want to say that I had a good time. It went as follows:

Friday night I get to Kloten at about 9:30pm. We went to sleep at 11. Thats how my day went. We were both tired.

Saturday we went into Zurich and walked through the city and walked around the lake for what seemed like hours. I def brought the wrong clothes by the way. Swiss weather is similar to Knoxville in the sense that you dont know WHAT the weather will be like that day. Found some cool spots to relax. My feet were KILLING me by the time we got home. I proceeded to take a 2 hour nap until 8pm. We wanted to go to the city to get food, but once again we were too tired to do much so we went to a local restaurant got a pizza and some beer and went back home. We then again fell asleep pretty early.

Sunday.. oh Sunday.. We went into Zurich again and he convinced me it would be a good idea to rent bikes. So we did. Little did I know though that we would be biking our way up a flipping mountain. If I had known that, I wouldve brought proper attire. Needless to say I was not happy. My shoes went to shit. I was sweaty and pissed on the way up. AND THE VIEW WAS SHIT. He got mad at me for complaining, but WTF I did it didnt I? And at least I didn't make a comment on every good looking guy that walked by. Lord have mercy, dudes, biggest turn off to anyone is you commenting on how good looking someone is, when youre with a girl. SO STUPID. So by then I was glad it was Sunday. We also checked out the gardens and this huge park I had no idea about. So now I know where to go on nice days in Zurich. When he left I was sad, I all in all had a good weekend.

Glad its over though. I realized that I am definitely a-ok on my own. Being obligated to entertain someone is the last thing I want to do while trying to relax on my weekends off.

I haven't heard from the hockey player since last Thursday.

This Friday I am excited about because I came in contact with some other nannies on facebook and we are meeting up in Zurich! Should be a fun night and something to write about :)

This week has gone really well with Sasha, she has really taken to me now which is a relief. We have good times all the time now, which makes my life way easier. I love Switzerland.

Until next week,
Peace and blessin's
xx J

Thursday, September 9, 2010

After I felt bad for myself and cried.. this is whats been happening.

SO. After i had a good sob on Sunday night because I was pissed I missed football and my friends.. people with the names of Nicki Golen and Allison Werner helped me realize that this is a great opportunity and I cant take it for granted.

So here I am enjoying myself. But it does have to do with the fact that I had a nice little hang out with a neighbor with the name of Andy. Hopefully I'll be seeing him soon. I had a good time.

MEANWHILE.. Tomorrow Eddy comes to town. I can't wait! It should be a good time considering he's one of the few people that can "keep up" with my personality. I will probably be out of commission this weekend so dont be mad at me if I dont answer you until Sunday.
Ok thats it.

Peace and Blessin's

ps. the 2 year old and I are making improvements. She's re-starting to like me. HUZZAH!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


welp finally found the video of what ive been waiting for as an aspiring actress...

watch the first min and a half??

its me. clearly. when im smiling in the car when he shows me his gun? i recall him saying "i like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches."

good times

tomorrow i show shop with maja!!!
peace and blessins
xx j

Sunday, September 5, 2010



I wont disown them.. YET!

Peace and Blessin's
xx J

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Zug Hockey.

So I went to my first Zug hockey game. It was really different from the NHL stuff I've been going to.
1. WAY less fans.
2. WAY more beer (12 year olds?? I think so...)
3. Hockey players come drink with everyone after the game... :)

Of course I gave my number to one of them. Andy Wozniewski. Google him, I did, hes got a Wikipedia!

Anyway I got a little bit drunk last night at the game. I went with my new friend Maja and her husband. It was really fun and I made a new friend.. Now I have 3 and a half friends in Zug!!! WOOOO

Meanwhile, I am sad that I am not even in America to watch our first football game against Tennessee- Martin. If we lose, I'm no longer claiming where my alma matter is, I'll just say UT and not specify which one. I'm just serious.

Today I got my eyebrows done, I've got this really cute guy visiting me this coming weekend and I didn't want him to think my face looks like a dudes due to lack of personal grooming. Anyway it was glorious. I'm debating on if I want to get my hair done soon and make it more stylish or not. I want to grow it out, but I dont want to have an awful boring haircut. Ohhh the daily delimmmas I have now.


ok time to hang out with myself more??
xx J

Saturday, August 28, 2010

My life here as a random.

Let's see. My week went as so: wait for baby to wake up, feed baby, pay attention to baby, put baby to sleep, contemplate a hobby, take 2 year old to the park, shop with stroller, hike home.

Don't worry, I'm just serious.

Today was fun though, as I have weekends off, I went to Zurich today to meet up with Marina Ribi.. the latest member of the LVSD family. We also met up with her friend Anna and her boyfriend Johannes. So once we were all together we went shopping and I found some pretty cheap stuff so that was FANTASTIC considering a shirt on average is about 25 CHF. Aka too much for the content.

After shopping we went to this quaint coffe shop and met up with one of the boyfriends roommates. Then we walked to their apartment and had dinner drank some wine and hung out. I finally felt like today I made some "local"ish friends. I've begun to feel like a sorry loser with no friends. But slowly and surely I'm meeting people. Thank goodness for swimming or else the only friends I'd have here would be a 2 and a half year old and a 4 month old. Real cool...


Tomorrow I am meeting up with a friend's sister and having dinner with her and her husband. Maybe I can request the number of a cute single friend that can help me out with not being such a loner. Not that I really mind ALL that much, but having something to do/ someone to hang out with on weekends or after work on weekdays would be nice.

Thats all for now. I'm going to read (my itouch is now my best friend, at least it provides me with reading material).

peace and blessins.
x jsaff

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


i can smell the sheep/ cows right now that live in my backyard

im not even being dramatic. I can take a picture and post it. literally 100 feet from my house. Sasha and I went to hang out with them yesterday.

My new life.

OK So.. Now Im in Zug.

Everything everyone told me about Switzerland? TRUE
Its beautiful/ clean/ EXPENSIVE.. But whatever I have a room and I dont pay rent. And I eat my meals for free, I'm not complaining... This past weekend I went with the family I'm living with to the mountians.. I posted pictures on facebook. It was breathtaking. I cant wait to see what everything looks like with snow covering it. I'm anticipating to be blown away by the fact that there is REAL SNOW that doesnt turn to slush the minute it hits the ground.

The family I am with now is AMAZING. Like ideal family. The kids are so cute and the parents are young. I definitely know that I am in the right place this time. I still feel like this is a dream and I have yet to wake up. I am only stressing about the whole visa thing, but you know what? Something will work out.. God's got a plan for me :)

What about the guy I've been blabbering about in my past few posts you ask? He's coming to visit. We talked for a while last night and he locked in our reservation. I am excited now. Because its REAL. Now I am allowed to get excited to see someone I care about.

Lauren Moloney: happily surprised :)

Today I went to the park in the Old City (Zug has an OC too!! So much like Knoxvegas) with the girls and had a good, easy time. Sasha cried a bit at first, but when she saw all the things to play with she was fine. Of course she ended up going to the sand pit where there is a fountain (what idiots thought it would be a good idea to put water for kids right next to a sand pit would be a good idea??)... When her park friends left she and I found some headphones in the diaper bag and sat down and listened to the one song I have on there.. Shakin it for daddy.. Robin Thicke ft. Nicki Minaj.. unedited. haha So typical. Anyway, today has been a good day and I dont dread waking up every morning (unlike Italy).

Peace and Blessin's
xx J

Friday, August 20, 2010

Traveling across western europe...


Just watched this young couple say goodbye as the girl got on the train. It was so cute. Then she sat down and looked out the window and OF COURSE the guy wasnt there. That'll be the day when romance is alive again when a man watches his woman leave him alone at the train station, instead of loving and leaving.

Anyway, I had a sandwich at the Lisbon train station that was called "Americano Classico." Since when do classic American sandwiches taste like complete SHIT? Seriously, I dont quite remember them being that awful.

This is so sad. I am waiting for my train and the only thing productive I could think of to do is write for my little blog. At least now I am documenting my trip. Its becoming a sick obsession. I can see it now..

"Jamie, want to go for some drinks?"


Gah, I hope it never comes to that. If it does I guess that will be me saying no to empty calories, which is a good thing... right? Anyway rather than spending an arm and a leg on my train ticket, come to find out since I am under 26, it was WAY cheaper than I thought it would be. So I am happy about that. OH AND I GOT A BED (I thought I'd be in a seat all night). I'm going on my first sleeper train tonight and I am excited, but nervous because I am still having nightmares about people stealing my stuff when I sleep. Thank you to everyone who told me to be careful, I now wake up in a panic every night to make sure I know where I left my wallet.

My train comes soon. Can't wait to see who my roomies for the night are, should be interesting. Yes, I am sleeping with my purse, it's my little spoon for the night.

Come morning time I'll be Madrid. Woop.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Be Good To Me



He says darling don't forget  there is sweetness left unhurt  for you and me  He says honey no regrets  we just do our rest and die  I just want to cry As you be  Be good to me be good to me  I need you now more than ever I'm fate for me and when you're gone  I'll be around, I'll be your every weather  He says this is just today it will be okay and I'm listening He says you can trust in me, you get all you need and all And I doubt you, as you be  Be good to me be good to me  I need you now more than ever I'm fate for me and when you're gone I'll be around, I'll be your every weather  You know what you do to me You light up, light up but darken Your heart not good was in me My heart is filled of weeping  Be good to me be good to me  I need you now more than ever I'm fate for me and when you're gone  I'll be around, I'll be your every weather

one more thing..

Thank you Joes Garage Flyers for making me feel loved every night. Your harassment kept me feelin wanted by your bar all day every day. I will miss you Ben and the fact that you havent showered in months.

LAUREN, you taught me a valuable lesson: never judge a book by its cover. You're probably one of the coolest prettiest girls I've met while abroad :)



Packin' up... RATS

This is me packing... :'(

So I'm trying to make sure I distribute weight evenly through my bags.. It's impossible. I'm just going to have to deal with the fact that my rolly bag weighs more than I do. Thats what I get for being a nice person and giving my other giant bag away at the airport in Lisbon. Now I am kicking myself, kinda.

Congrats to Paivi on her new job. Gypsy girl.

Anyway back to my sob story of leaving this crazy town I ended up in. I am sad/ happy.
Sad because: I met Jana Damien Paivi Jas Clare Kristy Eddy Clinton Adam and many others here. You guys are great.

Jana and Damien, thank you so much for lookin out for me. You taught me for sure that age is JUST a number. I hope that when I get to be more mature I only hope I am as cool as you guys are. I can't express how much I admire the two of you.
Paivi and Jas, my lovely roomies... I loved living in A2 with you guys. It was so fun and I'm so glad our diverse group got on so well. Who knew people from all corners of the world could have as much fun as we did. I can't wait til our paths cross again.. because witches you know they will!

Happy because: soon I will have an aircon room with a clean shower. Also I wont be living out of a suitcase anymore, Huzzah!

So tomorrow I leave for Switzerland to start, once more, on a new adventure. It's going to be a pain in the ass to get there, but none the less it'll be another adventure for me to blog about!

Now I'll explain why I have been in such a FAB mood the past 24 hours. For those of you who don't know, when I first got to Portugal within the first week I met Eddy and Clinton. They are a couple Aussies that happened to be staying right next to the staff room in Carlos House. Anyway we got along great and it just so happens Clinton is going to NYC and I told him about KatieMGehring of course. Anyway we went our separate ways that night and of course I find Eddy coming out of the bar I was going into by himself, so out of the kindness of my own heart, I walk back to our hostel with him to make sure he didn't get mugged ;)

A couple of nights later we are both out, I didn't know/ didn't care where he went but I saw him at the bar I went to pashing some other chick. I ran up to him, called him something mean, and then went to the bathroom. Later he came up to me, after I tell him to not touch me, and says something along the lines about feeling like I slapped him in the face? Some of you know, I have a way with words that perhaps that was true, because I know I definitely didnt actually slap him in the face (which is what I thought he said at first.. even though LVSD taught me how to box.. I wouldn't actually uppercut someone). Anyway I told him some things, Im not going to pretend to know exactly what I said because honestly I was completely knackered, but I specifically remember him asking me "What do you want me to do? Drop everything and come to Switzerland?" and of course I said "Yes."

Anyway we had our fling and after a few days he had to leave. I was totally sad and depressed about it for a few days. We have been keeping in touch via facebook. So last night I get a message from him saying something along the lines of:

just looking into my onward travels and where exactly are u staying, possibly address so i can look into accomadation and flights there! will hopefully spend three nites wif u before i train up to a mate in germany what u reckon??? and is it best if i come over the weekend than a week day???

and I responded

then he said

Cool just looked it up its 30km south of zurich! well i could fly in on the friday 10th and then leave monday 13th, its the only weekend i have! so u would have friday nite sat nite then have to leave sunday arvo yeh??? sounds pretty good!!

Needless to say.. IM ELATED. He was so much fun. So hopefully it'll work out. Those of you who know me best know that I go for jerk dudes and not one has offered ever to do something like come see me in a different country, much less a different city in the same state. So if it works out, hooray, if not.. I'm trying to not to get my hopes up tooooo high (but lets be real, they are already there).

Well, I guess the next time I write something, I'll be in another country!
Peace and Blessin's
xx J

Sunday, August 15, 2010

2nd to last night in Lagos

I am not allowed to sleep in my room. Someone is doing something in there that I def do not want to witness.


On a lighter note, I get to have a spend the night party with Jana. Yeeehaw.

2 days left. 2 days left. 2 days left. 2 days left. 2 days left. 2 days left.

Tomorrow I have to get some things DONE.

xx J

Last night out in Lagos

So... Last night was my last night out in Lagos. You know it was a big one. Started at Gold Coast where Carlos (boss man) made the staff dinner: wieners, beef patties, lamb, rice rice baby (Arthurs words, not mine), and this white melon that was DELICIOUS.
Drank Sangria and some white wine. Took the party to Sunny Coast where we met up with some of the people that we wanted to see later.
First bar: Whytes Bar, where I of course got free drinks because I brought people in because I've made nice with the manager, typical right?

Bar 2: Red Eye where we met up with more friends, which at this point Paivi happened to disappear with her flavor of the week.

Bar 3: Sarah, Jana, and I made it to Inside Out. This is where they left me and I was to fend for my own self with the mass quantities of sweaty drunk people. At this point I re-found Paivi who was STILL kissing Matt (pretty sure they hadnt stopped after Red Eye... literally think they were attached by the lips). Anyway met up with a bunch of Sunny Coasters and proceeded to go to Bar 4: Avalon.
I didn't actually go in the bar. I sat outside for about an hour with Cal, a very drunk Aussie who ended up walking (JUST WALKING, nothing more) me home.

After we walked to Carlos House, which I didn't go into until after an hour after I got there because I saw Carlos go in and I was scared he would judge me and all my drunken glory... When I went in he was sitting on the computer playing Solitare, so my plan of avoiding him went to shit.

Walked into my room, found two naked people, said something explicit quite loudly and ran. I wasn't bothered by the two nekkid people, but I think it was the surprise of them that made me freak out. So I said see ya later to Carlos and speed walked with Cal (hes a slow walker) to Sunny Coast. Where I ate some Veggiemite (DISGUSTING) and hung out with some people. Mind you by this time it was a good 4:30-5 am.

Sat in the kitchen for a while before Ben offered me his friends bed, so we went to bed... kinda :)

So that was my last big night in Lagos. I leave in 2 days, maybe 3, for Zug. Nervous, but excited.
Dinner tonight with Clare (she's cooking for me since my chef Jas left me).
Peace and Blessin's
xx J

Saturday, August 14, 2010

For real this time...

Ok I am actually going to write about what has been going on with my life..

I am in Portugal until Tuesday the what... 17th? of August.. then off to Switzerland where my "real job" is in Zug.

Im going to be nannying.. for hopefully 2 years if I can get all the visa stuff taken care of.. if not I'll be back sooner than later, jobless.

Anyway I am going through an array of emotions about leaving Lagos. I've met some great people and I've learned so much about traveling/ life/ etc. (im not about to go into the gushy stuff.) Any way, I met this amazing 30 year old Aussie that I've aquired a large crush on so hopefully I'll see him soon. Thats what Ive been doing. Working at this Hostel called Carlos House for the past month since leaving Rome, meeting heaps of Aussies every day. Rome is not somewhere I want to live ever again. Too hot.. Too many people.. Too many wild drivers.. No thanks.

Somehow I managed to find a small city in Portugal where the people that I yearn to be like happen to flock to and they also just so happen to party like rockstars. Aussies I swear are the most laid back, party animals I've ever met.. Sorry Vol fans, you just dont compare. Anyway, I can't say I will be too sad leaving soon, I can't wait to be in an aircon room with my own bathroom where there isn't mold on the edges of the shower. I year for cleanliness for sure.

Tonight I am going out with Jana and Paivi, my two roomies... We're having a girls night. I am excited!

To the beach now!
xx J

Tuesday, June 15, 2010