Friday, October 29, 2010

Don't call my name, Alejandro

SO, here's whats going on. I am stressing out about Florence. I had no idea the tickets would be SO MUCH to go there and back. I mean its 193 chf.. which I guess isnt that bad because its round trip, and its cheaper than a flight.. BUT STILL.

The other night I went to my friend Matt's place with Brittany and we watched Scream. Let me just say that when it was over I realized it wasnt that scary and I think I can handle seeing the next ones and eventually see the 4th when it comes out. Halloween on the other hand I dont know if I will be able to handle watching, but we'll see! Scream was actually quite funny at the end, there are some good one-liners.

This weekend I have been invited to go to a housewarming/ halloween party where I am dressing up as a super hero.. SUPER SAFF! And yes, I am wearing my nikes. I just have to find gold leg warmers, a cape, and some crazy glitter and I'm SET. I am probably hitting up a halloween store on Saturday morning with Matt. I've deemed him my new best guy friend. I miss having one of those.. just about as much as I miss American dude personalities.

Not much else to report on.. I have a 4 day weekend this weekend, the fam is going to Denmark to visit Mads' parents and next week I am going to Florence on Wed- Sun to visit STEPHANIE GUTTENPLAN with Brittany and Matt. Should be wild! I'm sure after this weekend I'll have heaps to report about.. So those of you who read this... GET READY! Hopefully this weekend I'll remember to take pictures.. Sorry I've been slacking...

Peace n Blessin's
xx J

Monday, October 25, 2010

take it back

ok. i take it back. i just love my best friend in a best friend way. i couldnt see myself really having a future with him. god's got someone for me. Im not thinking about it anymore.

peace n blessins
xx j


SO, today I started reading all the articles about Fran Crippen and I started crying. It just goes to show how precious life really is. Who knew that would ever happen in a MILLION years? My heart goes out to the Crippens and everyone that was close to Fran, esp. our former GA Tyler Fenwick. Love you Fen.

On the other hand, this weekend wasnt nearly as wild as last weekend. I made it home at a reasonable time on Saturday.. 3am :)

I am getting to be pretty good friends with the people here other than my two main ladies, Brit and Karah. We went to Basel yesterday, to go to this fair. Let me just tell you, I am not and will not ever be in a good mood when it is rainy and cold and my feet are wet. So for future reference.. KEEP THAT IN MIND. I have pictures from the fair, and I also have a picture of a house from like... 1365?? HOLY OLD. Thats all i have to say.

I also had a revelation last night that I am 100% in love with one of my good guy friends from home, we've been friends for... well I dont know since I can remember I guess. Will I tell him ever? NO. I dont want things to be weird. And no Christian, its not you. I just.. i dunno.. I get excited when I see that he has written on my wall. GAH I am so lame.

Also.. this week in honor of Halloween, we are doing scary movie night. I know worst idea ever for me, I wont get any sleep for a while after we watch whatever we watch. Should be interesting.

Peace n Blessin's
xx J

Thursday, October 21, 2010

just to clarify...

ANDY my little neighby.. is adorable. I am going to make him WAY COOL (cooler than he is). He's presh. And I totally am going to treat him like a little brother. Which means he'll hear the brunt of all my complaints. At least the drinking age is 16 and he can help me waste away all my sorrows about Ryan.

But he probably ruined any kind of chance with frenchie. <3

For Aunt Janna

Due to my aunts constant reminder that I need to update, here it is!! Sorry Janna!

SO I've finally found a great group of people to hang out with.
Here are names and mini descriptions of the people I've talked to and actually conversed with of the group... (from what I can remember)..
BRITTANY! my new favorite person in Zug. She's 22, a ZTA, just graduated, and I LOVE HER. She reminds me of my girls from home and nothing is more comforting than that.
Karah, so damn funny. from Oklahoma, cutest southern accent ever.
then there is Matt, Cheezus, Lauren, Bili, and Benji. They are so nice and even accepted me after a crazy night out on friday.

But thats not the best part. LAST NIGHT.
So I went to meet Karah and Brittany at Pickwicks (local hangout for expats).. And there were SO MANY DUDES THERE. It was like heaven. Anyway I was making eyes at this guy all night, so was brit.. the same one. Anyway, thanks to Karah's drunkass, I finally got to talk to him and his name is Ryan and hes from Paris. And hes REAL cute, and has a cute accent.. oh my gosh I DIED. So then I was like, we should hang out and he said of course so I wrote my number down on a napkin and stuck it in one of his pockets in his jacket, yes he saw me do it, he held his jacket open for me to place it in a safe area. So then after talking for a bit, he walked me to my bus stop and kissed me. Poor thing was cold because he was shivering. It was so cute. So then as it was nearing time for me to get on my bus, my 17 year old neighbor Andy showed up shithoused and then Ryan left me. I was sad. But he kissed me goodbye and then andy started saying stuff like OOO get a room!! and I laughed and then kinda snotted on his face.
DAMNNN THAT GUY IS NEVER GONNA CALL ME. I dont have his number or anything. So its going to be by chance I'll ever see him again, because I said to him at the bar, lets hang out tomorrow night and he was like nooo just wait for me to call you, I promise it will be soon. So I feel like an idiot because lets be real.. he's more than likely not gonna call. I'm ok with it. Because in all reality, there are more boys.

Update soon if Ryan decides my american ass is cool enough for him :)

xx J

Monday, October 4, 2010

Here's my weekend

Nothing exciting happened this weekend. I went to a hockey game BY MYSELF. That was kinda intimidating. Not as boring as I thought, but definitely not as fun. I got a ride home from my friend that plays so that was a perk. I also got my NIKES :) in the mail from my awesome mom. So I really feel like I have swag here now.

Saturday night I went to one of my nanny friend's houses for dinner and a movie, we had home made pizza and watched Memoirs of a Geisha. LOVE that movie still. I've seen it about five times and I've read the book.

Yesterday I went to the airport to "shop." No good stores are there, but its the only stinkin place open on Sunday here. So I delt with it. Also, I watched a bunch of Jersey Shore. That ish is so funny, I love Pauly D.. for real though.

REWIND: Wednesday night I went to Maja and Philip's for Maja's birthday dinner and I met more friends of theirs... Just so happens that one of the friends is tres tres cute. I'm kinda crushing and it also just so happens that he is a lot closer to my age. Perfecto!

Once I figure out how to get a word document type program on my computer I am going to... start writing a book?? I was inspired by a friends who told me I should, so I am.

That's all for now.
Peace n Blessin's
xx Jamie